I loathe presentations. The reason is that there is no great incentive for the presenter to engage his or her audience nor for the audience to remain interested. The format where the presenter has to describe an entire research endeavor in twelve or fifty minutes leads to the presenter having to compromise between clarity and content, and the thought of entertaining your audience along the way gets pushed to the background. Once the presentation is over, the people in the audience feel pressure to either ask insightful questions or to say nothing at all, leaving those that were lost within the first part of the presentation wishing they could leave. These are the reasons why I prefer poster presentations. The presenter has limited space, so they have to reduce their content and keep the most important topics only. Then they are face to face with a small audience, so they can read the audience to make sure they are being clear and understood. When the presenter has finished their piece, the audience can ask any questions pertinent to the poster and come away with an understanding of a piece of what that researcher does.
to people in this interactive format gives the presenter a greater ability to
connect with their audience and to learn from the audience as much as the
audience is learning from the researcher. It’s less intimidating from the
perspective of the presenter and the audience. Perhaps most importantly, it
allows for conversation to begin naturally and for the exchange of information
to flow freely to the benefit of everyone involved.
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